The waiting was interrupted by intermittent threats from Grumpy that those drawers had to go. This was my last chance. I mean it! This is it!

So over the Easter break in 2005 I bought some paint stripper and started to strip the paint from the drawers. For some reason the weather was a bit warm and muggy that Easter and it didn't take me long to lose heart. More waiting. More threats. More pointed comments about running out of room in the shed.

Finally, a couple of weeks ago, it all got too much and I decided Something Had to Be Done. I got Grumpy to help me move the drawers from along the back wall and prepared to attack them with vim and vigour.

Funny how when you come back to something it doesn't seem so bad this time round. I've got all the paint off that will come off with the paint stripper. Now I just have to clean them, apply sanding sealer, sand, clean, seal, sand and then stain. And then stick some handles on. It all seems so simple. I'm even beginning to dream that they'll be finished and sitting in the spare room before we head off on hols at the beginning of September.

Well, a girl can dream.
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